Episode 41 - Crypto Queen
In the shadowy world of cryptocurrency, the enigmatic figure known as Ruja Ignatova, the infamous "Crypto Queen," orchestrated a Ponzi scheme, bilking billions of dollars from unsuspecting investors through her audacious creation, OneCoin. Join us as we delve deep into the chilling tale of deception, greed, and a woman whose cunning mastery of the digital underworld has earned her a place among the most notorious cybercriminals of our time.
Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk
Written & Researched by Jim Rowley
Edited, Mixed & Mastered by Greg Bernhard
Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Inside the FBI Podcast: Top Ten Fugitive Ruja Ignatova, The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Satoshi Nakamoto’s emails archived at The Nakamoto Institute
“Decoding the Enigma of Satoshi Nakamoto and the Birth of Bitcoin,” The New York Times
“What really happened to the 'Cryptoqueen'?” Fortune
“OneCoin ‘Cryptoqueen’ Ruja Ignatova Added To FBI’s Most Wanted List,” Forbes
“Orban’s Hungary Seen Most Corrupt in EU, Overtaking Bulgaria,” Bloomberg