Episode 50 - World of Hell
On this episode: website defacement gangs, NASA, September 11th, Venezuelan oligarchs, and the US government’s war on teenage hackers. This is the story of the World of Hell hacking group.
Show Transcript
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Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk
Written & Researched by Jim Rowley
Edited, Mixed & Mastered by Greg Bernhard
Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
The Hacker Diaries: Confessions of Teenage Hackers, by Dan Verton
Light of the Angels: A Guide to Healing, by Rafael Nunez-Aponte
“Venezuelan teen detained in hacking case,” NBC News
“What's up with RaFa the hacker and Crowdflower?”, Infodio
“A power tycoon, while Venezuela goes dark, brightens his image abroad,” Reuters
“State Forges Alliance on Cyberterrorism”, US Department of State Archive
“World of Hell hackers on rampage,” V3
“Venezuelan arrested for '01 Air Force hacks,” Computerworld
“Rafa Núñez expressed his expert opinion on the cyberattack on the NOIRLab telescopes,” Bit Finance
“Web defacer sentenced, facing deportation,” The Register
“Backlash takes hold after hacker arrest,” SC Magazine
“DoJ: look into RaFa Nuñez,” Alek Boyd
“RaFa the hacker cracks Googleplex,” Infodio
“The Wild, Wild Web,” City Beat
“Hackers hit Web sites with links to "terrorism',” Tampa Bay Times
“Compressed Data; Hacker Obtains Shuttle Design Files, Baffling NASA,” New York Times
“Hackers hijack Twitter accounts of Chavez critics,” NBC News
“Y2K Bug,” National Geographic
“20 Years Ago, Y2K Hysteria Led to Emergency Bunkers and Cost the U.S. $100 Billion,” People
“Government Warning About Y2K Hackers,” The Washington Post